Children's Hospital Boston Maternal and Child Health Bureau About LEAH
Resources for Professionals
Resources for Youth and Families
Fellowship Information
Resources for Professionals

These Internet resources were selected with a broad range of professionals in mind, including health care professionals, mental health professionals, educators, and community workers. Our aim is to support these professionals in their quest to serve the special needs of the adolescent population.

These links are presented as informational resources only and do not imply endorsement of any individual, organization, product, or philosophy.

Click on your topic of interest:

Adolescent Health Resources
Communities of Color
Eating Disorders
Governmental Organizations
Juvenile Justice and Crime Prevention
Maternal and Child Health
Mental Health
Professional Organizations
Research and Data
School Health
Sexual Health
Special Needs
Substance Use Resources
Violence Prevention
Young Men's Health
Youth Development
Youth Policy and Advocacy Resources

Adolescent Health Resources

National Adolescent and Young Adult Health Information Center
National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health

Communities of Color
Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Eating Disorders

National Eating Disorders Association
Multi-Service Eating Disorders

National Coalition for LGBT Health
The Fenway Institute

Governmental Organizations

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
CDC Wonder
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Healthy People 2030
Maternal and Child Health Bureau
National Institute for Child Health and Human Development
National Institute of Health
NIH Office of Disease Prevention
Office of Justice Programs
Office of Minority Health
Office of the Surgeon General
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Association
US Census Bureau

Juvenile Justice & Crime Prevention
Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice
National Crime Prevention Council
Office of Justice Programs

Maternal and Child Health
Boston University School of Public Health � Maternal and Child Health Program
Boston Children's Hospital MCHB Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Program
Boston Children's Hospital MCHB MCHB Institute for Community Inclusion
Harvard School of Public Health Maternal and Child Health Program

Boston Children's Digital Wellness Lab

Mental Health
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration

Professional Organizations
Academic Pediatric Association
Academy of Eating Disorders
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Nurses Association
American Psychological Association
American Public Health Association
National Association of Social Workers
North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Obesity Society
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
The Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs

Research and Data
Child Trends
Monitoring the Future
The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health)
National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH)
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System

School Health
National School Boards Association

Sexual Health
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Resources
Advocates for Youth
Alan Guttmacher Institute
Physicians for Reproductive Health
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
Power to Decide 2024

Special Needs
LD OnLine
National Autism Center
National Center for Learning Disabilities
National Down Syndrome Society

Substance Use Resources
Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration

Got Transition

Young Men's Health
Effective Clinical Interviewing of Adolescent Boys and Young Men
Young Men's Health

Youth Development
Bright Futures
Improving the Health of Adolescents & Young Adults: A Guide for States and Communities
National Youth Leadership Council

Youth Policy and Advocacy Resources
Annie E. Casey Foundation
National Center for Children in Poverty

Violence Prevention
Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Futures Without Violence